Kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the motion of waves, electrons, atoms, molecules, substances, and objects. Chemical energy is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules. Batteries, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and coal are examples of chemical energy.
Just take that photo and go to google home then google lens and press library and put the photo in and it will find something similar.
I think the mean DNA but don't quote me on that.
https ://us05web.zoom.u s/j/850 39847778?pwd=T0F pQ3pIelJ oQ1RidWhvVF ppQ1lvQT09
copy and paste
When they slide down, they lose this potential energy, which turns into kinetic energy and thermal energy. Thermal Energy - This energy is related to the temperature of a body or a system. When friction is involved in a system, part of the kinetic energy is transformed into thermal energy.