It can be many reasonable things such as colonization
This is a conflict of individual rights versus state protection. For some, the individual rights come first even if it is an attack on others or could put the country at risk. For others, the protection of the country is more important and therefore a person who speaks in a way that threatens the country should and can be silenced.
Schenck v. US is a famous case where the court ruled if the speech presents a danger to the country then the 1st Amendment right is not applicable and can be denied.
Tinker v. Des Moines School District demonstrated when a person peacefully protest even in a school against the government and their decisions (Vietnam War in this case), then the 1st Amendment is applied and the individual rights upheld.
As in England, and some Western European Countries that began to industrialize earlier than the U.S. (Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and France), industrialization brought massive changes to American workers.
For one, decade after decade more people moved to the cities, and less people stayed in the countryside as farmers. A big difference is that farmers in the U.S. frequently owned the land while industrial workers did not own the factories.
This means that workers make a living by earning a wage for their work in the factory, while farmers usually make a living either by consuming the food they produce, or by selling the food, or a combination of both. This gives a greater autonomy and power to the farmer, but not necessarily a higher income.