rain forests
I have the same question in my lesson and in one of the sections in these exact words it says rain forests
They knew hit and run attacks called guerrilla warfare
When we say emotional readiness, this is when you gain understanding of the given practices and development that will contribute to a positive outcome. This includes education and proper support. Why emotional readiness is necessary for good parenting because this will help the parents know on what and what not to do as they raise their children. Emotional readiness would also allow the parents on how they can keep tract and support their children's needs and development.
The French Revolution lost some U.S. support when French citizens migrated to the United States to escape their war-torn country. Many refugees started their own newspapers and propaganda campaigns, encouraging Americans to support their radical ideas and political agendas.
America (i dont think I even need to explain why)
China(they are holding Muslims in concentration camps for NO REASON)
Really the whole world cause no ones completely free