Mitosis is important for a number of reasons. It's a form of reproduction for some organisms that reproduce asexually, it's needed for growth and development, and also for the repair and replacement of cells. If we didn't do mitosis dead cells wouldn't be replaced, and that would cause some massive problems. For example, if we weren't capable of doing mitosis and you cut your hand, the cut wouldn't heal up because the cells wouldn't be getting replaced.
a tendril is a specialized stem ,leaf used by climbing trees or plants for support.
a pea tendril - is way smaller than a pumpkin tendril it's thread like structure are narrowly small..
They use a hygrometer. It measures relative humidity (the amount of moisture in the air) A psychrometer is an example of a hydrometer
Isotonic, Hypotonic, and Hypertonic Solutions. Water moves readily across cell membranes through special protein-lined channels, and if the total concentration of all dissolved solutes is not equal on both sides, there will be net movement of water molecules into or out of the cell.
<em>This is an example of natural selection (adaptation).</em>
Natural selection tends to favor those organisms which are better adapted to live in an environment.
As tortoises having flat shell and long neck were better adapted to live in barren area, hence through natural selection those organisms were favored in such an ecosystem.
As tortoises that lived on the vegetative lands were more adapted to live in such an ecosystem, hence through natural ecosystem these organisms were favored and increased in numbers.