The water will get more warm fresh water.
Answer: It is verified by testing it. If the data supports the hypothesis, then we consider the hypothesis to be verified and true. If however, the data does not support the hypothesis or refutes it, then the hypothesis is in trouble, and we have to come up with a different hypothesis to explain the observations.
Answer: The answer is A: The Inferior Colliculus
The inferior Colliculi play a major role in hearing. Since the loud noise was what prompted the response it is safe to say the inferior Colliculi is responsible.
Neurons in the inferior Colliculi respond to cues such as intensity, the difference red in arrival of sound to both ears.
However, the head snaps up because the information from the inferior Colliculi is transmitted to the superior Colliculi which is involved with movement such as the head.
The plant takes in Carbon Monoxide and releases oxegen.