A food resource disappears in a pond, and some frogs in a population can eat the remaining food source, while others cannot.
The natural selection among a species occurs when there are some major changes in the environment, most often related to the availability of food sources. In that kind of a situation, some of the individuals will be able to survive and use the remaining food sources, while some not. The ones that will be able to survive will be the stronger and more adapt.
In this scenario, we have a food resources disappearing from the environment of the frogs, so a food shortage occurs. The frogs that are stronger and able to consume the remaining food sources will be the ones that survive, while the weaker ones will be die out. This will result in a natural selection where only the best individuals of the species survive and reproduce in the given circumstances.
Factors that prompt natural selection are:
- changes in the food sources
- climate changes
- major natural hazards
- destruction of the habitat
- increased competition from other species
Learn more about differences between a habitat and a niche brainly.com/question/728057
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