One of the quintisessential features of the Swahili city-states from 1000 to 1500 BC was their urban style. A few families made up the elite, ruling classes, while most people in the cities were less wealthy, working as craftsmen, artisans, clerks, and sailors. People in villages along the coast could also identify as Swahili.
Snowball wanted that every animal on the farm be treated the same, no matter the size, or what type they were. He exectued his plans in a way that every animal did their own share of work, and were rewarded for doing such. Napoleon also had this same idea, but was eventually corrupted with the luxuries of the house. Napoleon eventually started to work the animals just like the farmer had done. This reflects their differing goals because it shows the true nature of each character - Snowball, the ready leader. And Napoleon, the corrupted ruler who eventually turned on what was once his views.
Intransitive verb............