- It peaks in winter and decreases in spring
- Absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation and produced by human activity
- Good atmospheric ozone- The good atmospheric ozone protects the life on Earth against harmful UV rays. This layer is found in the stratosphere going upwards
Bad atmospheric ozone- This layer is distributed at the lowest Earth surface, the troposphere. This bad ozone is full of pollutants such as industrial gases.
4. As a results of climate change, ocean patterns are disturbed, this results in cyclones. Cyclones affect humans through their strong wind, leading to damaging homes etc. Climate change also causes the ocean to get warmer, this disrupts the ocean life, which is a staple diet for human being
5. The health of coral colonies
6. The Montreal protocol is treaty signed by countries to cease the use and production of products that deplete the ozone. CFC's when they react with the UV rays the carbon-chlorine bonds of the CFC's break. The chlorine atoms react with the ozone, resulting in the breaking of the ozone layer. This will results in increased UV radiation levels, which can have human effects, such as increased skin cancers and eye cataracts.