I think kids should actually, it keeps them separated from distractions by other kids.
The statements which best describes the differences between a memoir and a biography are:
--A memoir relies on the narrator’s memory, while a biography relies on various other sources.
A memoir is a record of someone's own experiences or moments of his/her life while a biography is a more factual record of someone's life and it usually involves research by the author.
--A memoir talks about a limited experience in a person’s life, while a biography deals with a larger part.
Generally, a memoir retells some specific facts, experiences or moments in a person's life while a biography tells the whole story of someone's entire life or a large part of it.
A woman has to constantly keep her wardrobe updated with the latest couture in trend, and in society where the self worth of a person is judged by the labels and brands she has. If she wears rubber boots they make fun of her and call her "bride of Frankenstein" so he got some hand me down dresses from her cousins who is 3 years older but the dress are outdated. Later on she lives in the west and learns that she shouldn't try to flaw and she should just be herself and what's in the inside is what counts and not the outside.
C. Please hand me the big,blue notebook