The answer is in your heart and soul
Abiotic: which are the non-living factors and chemicals in environments which can affect the ecosystem.
Double fertilization-plants with seeds (flowering plants), two male gametes joining with female gametophyte
Gametophyte generation-both (haploid, sexual stage stage-gametophyte, and the diploid stage that produces spores – sporophyte)
Endosperm formed-plants with seed because it is a tissue formed inside the seed which surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition
Mitosis-both (mitosis occurres in spores)
Spores develop into gametophytes-both but, in seedless plants sporophyte produces spores that will develop into a new organism (multicellular gametophyte) using mitosis, while spores of seed plants are produced internally and develop into more complex structures.
Modern classification, otherwise known as taxonomy, was invented so as to have a single system used throughout the entire world in understanding different types of beings in existence. This way you avoid having different names for same things.