I believe d. be in something easy to carry.
Create realistic goals everyday, short and long term (i.e. waking up earlier by easing yourself into it, 30 minutes earlier one week, 1 hour earlier the next, etc.)
Find small ways to incorporate time and energy into said goal (want to be a better artist? draw your notes into pictures or think about how your day went and draw the most interesting that happened.)
Ask what makes you motivated to complete goals and utilize half of your energy into goal (don't use all of your energy unless you have the time or ability because you don't want to burn out too quickly.)
the country of Algeria has large amounts of oil and gas
As a student and young teen, I can say that this is a quite difficult and confusing situation. To go from seeing your friends and favorite teachers every day to being stuck in your house bored out of your mind is not something you or anyone can prepare you for. Despite the boredom, I know that social distancing is the best option right now. It frustrates me to see teens going out to crowded public places with their friends, not considering who they may be infecting.