It has been suggested that these kinds of lesions may be indicative of fighting with other members of its species or the attacks of predators
The Neandertals were exposed to very hard environmental conditions, thereby these lesions may be indicative of such conditions to which this species was exposed.
Carrying capacity, or the greatest number of people that an environment can support over time without harming or degrading it, is controlled by a few basic factors: food supply, water availability, and space. Carrying capacity, or the greatest number of people that an environment can support over time without harming or degrading it, is controlled by a few basic factors: food supply, water availability, and space.
Science method. like the gemdas is math there’s a process for science which depends on chem or bio.
Pluto's average distance from the Sun is 3,670,050,000 miles (5,906,380,000 kilometers).