This is all a case-by-case situation. However, it appears the mom-to-be is experiencing placenta previa where the placenta covers the cervix.
An ultrasound both abdominal and intravaginal ultrasounds to determine the cause of the bleeding and develop their diagnosis.
You'll start an IV on the mom-to-be for fluid replacement and have open access for rapid medication push incase she starts to decline fast. Then, if the baby is far enough within the gestation, they'll usually do a cesarean section to deliver the baby.
Compared to adults, the infants rib cage at the bottom is not as RIGID.
They would be able to easily access your organs, give you an infection, make you sick, or kill you depending on the type of germs.
A you have to take in account HIPAA so one on one is best
All individuals have the right to be treated equally and fairly. It is the duty of the Health and Social Care provider to support these rights and uphold and maintain anti- discriminatory practice.
The right to independence. The right to have your dignity respected and to be treated as an individual. The right to receive an anti-discriminatory service which is responsive to your race, religion, culture, language, gender, sexuality, disability and age.