He created us, and shaped us into who we are by using his own charcter and mind.
One day I will shape the human races mind and charcter as shrek did.
The prefix 'dis' means apart, away; that is to move away from something while the prefix 'sur' means over, above.
To dismount means to get off something or to remove a thing from its support. For example: The king dismounted the horse majestically.
To surmount means to overcome a difficulty or an obstacle. For example:
All the political differences between the two countries were surmounted.
I'd read fanfics, fangirl over them, watch a ton of anime, and enjoy myself with stuff like that! How about you?
Statement 1 is the second choice, statement 2 is the first choice and statement 3 is the last choice
im not 100% sure im right, but hope this helps