9.87 because when converting from a percent to decimal, you always move the decimal back 2 spaces.
How many do you want ? There are an infinite number of them.
You can find a huge number of them with your calculator
Here are a few (2 for each point I'll earn):
5³ = 125
6³ = 216
7³ = 343
8³ = 512
9³ = 729
10³ = 1,000
11³ = 1,331
12³ = 1,728
13³ = 2,197
14³ = 2,744
D and E
Step-by-step explanation:
because the rule to make triangle is
a<b+c with a, b and c is the side of the triangle
where is your shape
Step-by-step explanation:
firstly give shape then we find out perimeter