Responsible government is a conception of a system of government that embodies the principle of parliamentary accountability, the foundation of the Westminster system of parliamentary democracy.
The Ku Klux Klan was founded at the end of the United States Civil War to repress the rights and freedoms of African Americans. Even after 150 years, it is still an active, domestic terrorist organization.
How to watch Netflix
1. Push the ON button on the remote
2. use the arrow buttons on the remote to get the cursor on the Netflix icon
3. Click the center button on the remote to enter into the Netflix app
4.Use the arrow buttons to look through the shows/movies you can watch
5. When the movie/show you want to watch is selected, press the center button on the remote again.
6. Hit the PLAY button on the remote
7.Watch the movie/show
8.when the show is over, hit the ON button on the remote again to turn the TV off.