(1) Tupi, Arawak, Carib, and Nambicura.
(2) The slash and burn agriculture is a method of farming in forests that involves cutting down trees and burning away the under-bush to create fields for growing crops.
(3) The Portuguese colonized Brazil because they viewed Brazil as a trade post instead of a place to send larger numbers of settlers.
(4) The colonists enslaved Native people so they could be used into forced labor.
I hope this helped! ^^
A group of people with an alliance for a certain and common purpose and is engage in criminal or unlawful activity is called a GANG. A gang has an internal organization and defined leadership that has control over a certain territory in a society or community.
You must give credit to the source of your information on a written document or an oral presentation, to do otherwise would be to commit fraud. The offense is titled plagirism. It means you have taken anothers property (their knowledge) and presented it as your own rather than giving them credit for the information. Simply re-phrasing an idea may or may not be enough to rise above the offense but its best to stay on the up and up.
Slums are vulnerable to crimes and violence because they try to earn through those means for their betterment of life. If they have been treated well,such crimes and problems can be avoided.