Originally serialized in nineteen parts in McClure's magazine, the book is a seminal example of muckraking, and inspired many other journalists to write about trusts, large businesses that (in the absence of strong antitrust laws in the 19th century) attempted to gain monopolies in various industries.
So Jews could be easily identified so they could be persecuted and to arrest them easier.
In the American Revolution, privateers transported arms, munitions and tropical products to the American continent. ... Following the American Revolution, many former privateers became captains on merchant ships, because without war, privateering was no longer needed on such a large scale.
Yes, in general it is true that an important characteristic of civilization is economic activity, since without economic activity it is impossible to trade and grow the economy to the extent that people can develop new skills and trades.
they created cities for the dead or did they celebrate it?
i don't understand?