The French people organized a National Assembly, believing that the ignorance, neglect or contempt of the rights of Man were the sole reasons for public calamities and the corruption of governments.
D. Because Martin Luther King never ran for president, The Lincoln Memorial Was built in 1922, and Negro slaves were already freed because of the thirteenth amendment
Some truths are too difficult to fathom if one has not experienced them.
In <em>All Rivers Run To The Sea</em>, Elie Weisel talks about the horrors of the Holocaust that discriminated and annihilated millions of Jewish people. The detailed narration of the holocaust and it's outcome has been and still is one of the most famous genocide in the history of humanity.
The given excerpt from the book tells of how one is incapable of understanding the full extend of the sufferings the Jews faced during that period. He seems to suggest that some truths, even though painful and powerful they may be, are too difficult to fathom by anyone who has no experience of it. He rather stated <em>"Let the gas chambers remain closed to prying eyes, and to the imagination"</em>.