The answer is 8
At a pH of 8, the number of duckweed plants was the highest.
Older fossils tend to lay in the lower levels of the ground. The further up the fossils are, the more likely you are to find something that looks like today. Think of it as stacking papers with different drawings on them from different ages. Oldest goes on the bottom, newest goes on the top. The older layer stands as more of a foundation point while newer layers are around where we are now.
The commonly eaten foods produced by plants are root crops, leafy foods, flowers, and seed. Food provides energy and nutrients from organisms such as animals, that cannot trap energy from the sun through hypothesis. Animals called primary consumers eat only plants, humans are called to omnivores eat plants and animals.
The Coriolis effect acting on these currents causes northern hemisphere gyres to move in a clockwise direction and southern hemisphere gyres to move in a counterclockwise direction.