umm hi which novel are you talking about??
Andreas likes basketball more than science
because humans don't have the ability and power to create natural resources
Diversification affects the population in terms of availability of resources and in turn affects their size, growth and movement.
- The terms diversification has various meanings, most commonly related to the diversity of life in earth and diversification divided the population on the basis of their characteristics as class, casts, and color.
- The diversification also impacts the regional ie areas of the density of population due to the large availability of resources and areas of low population density due to political instability, war, or diseases. Which impacts the health and wellbeing of the people.
Spencer trusted that exclusive the fittest society would get by after some time, prompting general up reviewing of the world overall. Herbert Spencer was a noteworthy figure in the scholarly existence of the Victorian time. He was one of the vital advocates of developmental hypothesis in the mid nineteenth century, and his notoriety at the time matched that of Charles Darwin.