B: Roman women had some legal rights and were able to attend public events whereas Greek women were more secluded.
In Greece, there was a contrast between two prominent city-states, Athens and Sparta. Athens did not look upon women as Sparta did. While Athens women were considered lower than slaves, Spartan women were independent and could even own property. Apart from those two cities, Greek women in general did not have any political clout. Married women could have some opinion over their husbands’ political views but they did not have any rights such as vote or hold political office. In fact, it was considered improper for a woman to discuss politics in a public setting. In most city-states, women were accompanied wherever they had to go; their main role was to give birth to children, particularly to male.
Roman women could shop, speak with friends, and visit temples without asking their husband for permission. During the years that Rome was an Empire, women gained more freedom and it was legal for women to own land, run businesses, free slaves, make wills, inherit wealth, and get paid jobs. In ancient Rome, only free adult men were citizens. Although women were not citizens of ancient Rome, they enjoyed a great deal more freedom than did women in ancient Greece.
In Rome
In general, Roman women enjoyed more freedom than women in Classical Athens.
The unquestionable entitlement to be obeyed that comes from fulfilling a specific role
This is simply defined as a system or an organization that is responsible for the exercising of authority over a body or group of people.
This is commonly known as the ability to do work. In this context, it is simply the ability to get other people to do what you want them to do through the use of punishments and rewards.
This is simply refered to as the ability to make people do what you want without the use of rewards and punishments. It is also known as the right to give orders and enforce rules.
The three types of authority.
These includes:
1. Traditional
2. Charismatic
3. Rational / Legal
Looking glass self
Looking-glass self is a social theory that states that how we view ourselves is a result of how other people view us, that is, individuals view themselves based on the perception of others. This theory was introduced by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902 and it focuses on the development of self-concept.
Jada's wardrobe change to suit the perception of the individual she has a date illustrates looking-glass self theory, her view of herself is influenced by the individuals preference.
Vince is more likely to become friends with<span> Bill, his assigned roommate who is majoring in computer science.</span>
The threat of a communist takeover of Greece and Turkey led the United States to allow the Truman Doctrine to be passed. The Truman Doctrine was created by President Truman and passed it on March 12th 1947.