amino acid tryptophan
Eating Turkey Won't Make You Sleepy. The oft-repeated turkey myth stems from the fact that turkey contains the amino acid tryptophan, which forms the basis of brain chemicals that make people tired.
Dual visual system:
Dual visual system is nothing but the different visual systems that our brain is meant to direct.
The two visual systems are
- Dorsal Stream
- Ventral Stream
Dorsal Stream:
Dorsal stream is mainly referred as a vision of action. This visual system is involved in moment by moment analysis. It is also known as where stream.
Ventral Stream:
Ventral stream is mainly referred to as the vision of perception. This visual system is meant to analyse and recognize shape and object etc. It is also known as What stream
Blindness is a defined as the lack of vision. Such type of vision loss can't be corrected either by contact lens or through glasses.
There are two type of blindness,
- Temporary Blindness
- Permanent Blindness
Temporary blindness is a condition where the vision of an individual vision is limited.
Permanent Blindness is a condition where an individual can't see anything even the light