I believe another term for Natural Selection, based off of the answers provided, I would say C, Survival of the Fittest.
OK, richness you do have to depend on any one
Type I curve
The K-strategist are species characterized by relatively stable populations that fluctuate at the carrying capacity of the habitat or niche in which organisms reside. Elephants are considered as K-strategists because they have a low population growth rate and relatively stable populations. There are three different types of survivorship curves. The Type I curve (also referred to as A curve) is characteristic of k-strategist organisms. Humans and elephants exhibit a Type I survivorship curve in which organisms tend to die when they become elderly. These species have a small number of offspring and provide parental care to ensure their survival. In a Type II survivorship curve, species produce many offspring and only some offspring survive (e.g., birds), while in Type III survivorship curve organisms produce many more offspring and most do not survive (i.e., r-strategists such as frogs or insects).
Photosynthetic organisms, also known as photoautotrophs, are organisms that are capable of photosynthesis. Some of these organisms include higher plants, some protists (algae and euglena), and bacteria
c) autotrophs only
ions are electrically charged particles formed when atoms lose or gain electrons