D. Ecosystems are important in maintaining the good chain among all the organisms within it, which contributes to a high value of biodiversity
Nerve cells release chemical signals into synapses between them (short distance). They also transverse their lengths with an electrical signal that can result in signal travel along a series of cells (long distance).
Nerve cells release neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft which are capable of affecting nearby cells such as other nerve cells and muscle cells. Neurotransmitter molecules include, among others, serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine and histamine. Moreover, the synaptic cleft is the space that separates a neuron cell and its target cell. On the other hand, neurons transmit signals through electrical impulses. Electrical impulses travel long distances in the body carried by axons of the nerves. Thus, nerve impulses connect the brain and spinal cord and they carry signals to different parts of the body.
The answer to your question is: letter C
From the graph, we can conclude that catalase has a low activity at low temperatures. Activity increases a little at 30°C and this process is the highest at 40°C, after this temperature, activity disminishes again.
A. This option is wrong because the number of bubbles at this temperatures is low, maybe the enzyme is already denatured.
B. This answer is wrong, at 30°C the enzyme shows a low activity.
C. This answer is correct because at this temperature the enzyme produces the higher amount of bubbles.
D. The activity of the enzyme at 0°C was not tested.
Mendel was a mathematician and a physicist. He was tutored by Christian Doppler known for his work "Doppler effect of wave frequency".
Mendel learned botany under Franz Unger.
Both knowledge of science and math helped him notice some patterns, traits and qualities in the gardens he had.
With that idea, he was able to see the chances or portability of developing such traits and how to prove it.