No, i have not attended any public elementary school on student (F) status or a public secondary school after November 30, 1996 without reimbursing the school. But, there is how ever a very specific and constitutional way which the different aliens are treated to study inside the United States.
How ever, the different laws and bills are presented to improve the state departments and to have corporation with the different number of individuals who are interested in getting there higher or secondary education from the public or private institutes inside the US have to go through a very specific procedure prescribed or set by the system.
As different countries and states are characterized under different sections of the constitution of the United States.
The question is important because it determines whether a student has been ban or not. That is, under the law Ina 214(M), a student may not receive an F1 visa to attend a public basic school or middle class at all, and cannot access the F1 visa too to attend public high schools except it will be for less than twelve months and the school get to be reimbursed the cost of the total package of the education