The best course of action is to remove the reponses that were not intended for the site. I would also reach out to those who posted the inappropriate remarks and give them a warning regarding the comments. If they make those comments again or anything of inappropriate nature, they will be terminated.
an economic system blending elements of market economies with elements of planned economies, free markets with state interventionism, or private enterprise with public enterprise.
The after tax salvage value of the asset is $165.000.
If the asset has a depreciation period of 5 years it means that still there is a depreciation´s remanent of $ 1.280.000, if the asset it's sold at $1.530.000 at the end of the project, then the salvage value before taxes it's $250.000 consequently the after tax salvage value of the asset it's $ 165.000.
When company's asset it's for sale if there is yet a remanent value of depreciation it's the cost of sale of the transaction, if the depreciation it's zero then the sale it's a all gain to the company.
Please see details below:
Value of the Asset : $6.400.000
Anual Depreciation: $.1.280.000
Value of Sale: $1.530.000
Cost of Sale : $1.280.000
Revenue : $250.000
Tax Rate: - $85.000
Salvage value: $165.000
my paper airplane is the best .