D. You worked on your essay yesterday so that you could go to the game today.
15. Kiran had a bad cold; consequently, she won't be able to play in the game tonight.
16. Some people write with a word processor; meanwhile, others write with a pen or pencil.
Please mark me as brainliest.
In "The Book of Martha,” Martha is faced with a moral dilemma about how to improve humanity. She can make any change she desires. Martha tells God, "I was born poor, black, and female to a fourteen-year-old mother who could barely read. We were homeless half the time while I was growing up.” Martha grew up to become a successful writer. As a result of this, Martha understands that people need to have a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in order to live a good life. Thus, her response to the dilemma is to provide people with a sense of personal satisfaction in their dreams in the hopes that this promote peace and well-being. One theme of the story is that imagination has an impact on reality. Martha believes that people’s dreams transform them. As the story progresses, and Martha gains confidence in her choice, Martha’s image of God changes, and he begins to look and sound more like her.
Answer: in a straight ticket you vote for all one party
Straight-Ticket Voting. A ballot on which all votes have been cast for candidates of the same party. Split-Ticket Voting. A vote for candidates of different political parties on the same ballot, instead of for candidates of only one party.
Henry's charactrization by the author in Red Badge of Courage is done through the thoughts Henry has. He is always referred to as "the Youth," and what he feels and thinks is narrated, unless he is engaged directly in a dialogue. He is the main character of the book and the novel tells his growth from an immature teenager to a war-weary adult.