So his final words were not just an acceptance that death was possible; or probable, even. They were an attempt to pass the torch; to keep the flame burning if - or when - he was killed. In preparing for death, he doesn't feel despondent. And in the end, he's providing an epitaph for the movement, as well as himself.
"The theme running throughout the speech is 'we have much to be proud of'. I read that as, even if I die, I have lived a good life. I have done my bit to bring us closer to the Promised Land."
The Iceman died in prison from natural causes.
Shah Ismail I
He was 14 when this empire was founded and died at age 36, in 1524
The authority to make laws
Labor unions at the time were formed mainly because people lived and worked in extremely bad conditions during the industrial revolution. For that reasons, labor unions wanted for the workers to work in better conditions and wanted to fight for their rights.