The indus valley developed a little more useful technology and tools while Mesopotamian and egyptians were behind on new tools and technology
What is the Divine Comedy? It is a Long Comedy written by the Italian, Dante Aleghieri.
What is it about? The Divine Comedy is a poem written by the Italian, Dante Alighieri, about a trip of a man through life after death. The poem has three parts, Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory) and Paradiso (Paradise). The man gets lost in the forest that symbolizes hell yet he runs into the Roman poet Virgil who saves him. There are lots of circles in hell: One is Limbo where abide all the souls that are not actually sinners but cannot go to heaven because of lack of faith. There is Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Fraud, Violence etc. They have to go across all those circles to get to heaven. In the end, the two men finally climb out of hell into heaven.
GERMANENESS: One of the most important differences between the House and Senate is the House rule that all amendments must be germane (relevant or related) to the bill under consideration. In the Senate, this is only true for general appropriations and budget bills.
FILIBUSTER: Talking a proposal to death or to get a compromise is only allowed in the Senate. Cloture is the process by which such unlimited debate can be ended. When invoked by roll call vote -- three-fifths of those present and voting -- it limits each senator to one hour of debate. Other delaying tactics such as requiring time-consuming recorded votes or raising complex questions about legislative procedures ("points of order") can be used in either the House or Senate. :)
This is a speech given by Patrick Henry at the Virginia ratifying convention. Suspicious of centralized authority, Henry opposed the ratification of the proposed Constitution. He said the new system would take away too much power from the state governments and give too much power to the new national government.