The U.S doubled the size of its territory
It impacted society and transformed the working of government and industry
Answer: In the Declaration of Independence, it stated that all people have certain rights that can't be taken away or given up. These are called inalienable rights. They include the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Second Answer: Locke believed that the most basic human law of nature is the preservation of mankind.
He taught that he was the Son of God, & that God had created everything & we are created to glorify him, believe, & follow him in which we may go to heaven after death...
this message spread because Jesus had disciples that followed him, & also he went around preaching and working miracles which made people spread the news about him.
Kepler did multiple things, but his most famous work is demonstrating that the planets move in an elliptical (kind of like an oval) orbit around the sun instead of a circular orbit.