B. CO2 out
The excretion is the process of removal of the waste product from the body. The carbon dioxide is the byproduct of the aerobic respiration, which is carries from the tissues and the lungs by blood. In the lungs at alveoli, the carbon dioxide is transferred from the blood to the lungs and released out through the nostrils. Hence, the out of the carbon dioxide represent excretion through lungs.
-Allele frequencies
The hardy-weinberg principle states that allele frequencies in a population do not change unless outside factors affect the gene pool.
Hardy-Weinberg principle is a mathematical model that describes how genotype frequencies are established in sexually reproducing organisms.
The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is a principle stating that the genetic variation in a population will remain constant from one generation to the next in the absence of disturbing factors. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium can be disturbed by a number of forces, including mutations, natural selection, nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and gene flow.
Soil Erosion
Basically, tillage breaks soil up, destroying its overall structure. It encourages surface runoff and therefore soil erodes more easily. In some cases soil erosion is beneficial, but in most cases, it is not. Tillage has also been found to cause the emissions of more toxic gases such as N20.
Answer: To do different kinds of jobs