Where’s the article?
I can’t tell what it’s about from the answers
Option B is correct.
B. In an exothermic reaction, excess energy is released as heat.
An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases energy by light or heat. It is the opposite of an endothermic reaction. Expressed in a chemical equation: reactants → products + energy. Exothermic Reaction means "exo" meaning releases and "thermic" means heat.
The number of chromosomes in sex cell must be haploid (1n) as compared to body cell which is diploid(2n).
Body cells are diploid while the sex cells are haploid. We can say that sex cells contain half number of chromosomes as compared to body cells.
It is a scientific law
A scientific law states a constant relationship between two or more variables, each of which represents a property or measurement of specific systems. It is a constant and unchanging rule, usually expressed mathematically which allows to predict the unknown based on what is known with logical and real relationships.
A scientific theory is a set of concepts and rules (scientific laws) that express the relationships between observations of such concepts and generates a principle or set of principles to explain a phenomenon.
Yes our lungs will be clean and perfect.