c. positive regard.
Carl Rogers identifies positive regard as the elementary acceptance and support of a person no matter his/her words or acts. This positive regard is crucial for the individual to develop and grow in a healthy way, almost being a component of therapy. By implementing this regard, therapists look forward to helping their clients in accepting and being responsible for themselves.
The Kent State incident in 1970, Unarmed students were protesting against the bombing carried out by the United States military forces in neutral Cambodia.
The incident which is also refer to as May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre occurred on May 4,1970, when the Unarmed students of Kent State University in Kent, Ohio were shot by the Ohio National Guard during a mass protest by the Unarmed students against U.S military forces bombing.
Within 13 seconds, up to 67 rounds were fired by twenty eight National Guard soldiers killing four students and wounded nine others.
Answer: The research team can conclude right away that the cell line is a "cancer cell or a cell that emanates from a tumor cell".
Explanation: 'Density-dependent inhibition is when cell growth has a reached a limited density which in turn will slow down the rate of cell growth because of lack of new 'anchorage' point (new cells to adhere and be in contact with).
'Anchorage Dependence' is the need for cells to be in contact (adherence) with another layer of cells. Cells require anchorage in order to survive.
The reason why the researchers will conclude right away that the cell line is a "cancer/tumour cell" is because normal cells display density dependence inhibition while cancer cells 'proliferate' (increase in number) regardless/independent of cell density.
Normal cells adhere to each other (need to be in contact with each other) and form orderly array of cells while cancer cells do not adhere to cells and can migrate over adjacent cells thereby growing in a disorderly manner.
Lava and other materials that are launched from a volcano into the air are referred to as tephra.
C. improve since they have more time to spend together.
The empty-nest syndrome is a series of characteristics some parents experiment once all their children has left the household. This syndrome usually brings feelings of sadness or despair as well as a lack of purpose.
However, when it comes to the parents as a couple, the empty nest can be a good opportunity to improve the relationship (who used to be based on the children) to focus in the couple again and reconnect with one another.
Therefore, the correct answer is that the quality of their marriage should C. improve since they have more time to spend together.