The government would be unbalanced and tryanical.
This is because there would be no checks and balances so some branches would have more power than another branch.
( I'm assuming this is based off the movie of the little dark skinned girl who during segregation was put into school with white children)
Ruby was dark skinned at the time she was entering kindergarten and a very smart little girl. However Ruby Bridges was born during a time of segregation when whites and blacks were not allowed to do anything together ( school, eat, play ect.) So when Ruby was offered to school at William Frantz Elementary School it was a moment that would change history. At first all the parents took their kids out of school and their were protests held in front of the school while the girl walked in. Over time, kids slowly started coming back to school gradually leading to the start of the end of segregation.
It created the authority to create federal reserve notes.
ancestral ethnic religion
The correct answer is the Battle of the Coral Sea
Although both sides were winners in certain respects, it was a draw in the end which was a bad thing for Japan. The Japanese army had a tactical victory through the numbers of US troops defeated and ships sunk, the US had a strategic victory because Japan could not prepare for the following battles because of the losses suffered in this one.