B. You could not use any of the information because the site appears to be a joke.
Before writing an article, every writers need to first determine the purpose of the articles. If the articles are made to give historical explanation / to provide information, then all the online sources that can be included need to come from a credible website that cited the works of experts that dedicate their time to study their field.
The existence of photograph of people in Halloween costumes indicates that the site was made for entertainment purposes. This made every content in the site became unreliable for formal articles.
Cultural studies
Culture is defined as the way of life of a people.
Cultural studies is defined as the study of the ways a culture creates and uses wealth.
It also explains the importance of a culture and hie it impacts the people in various spheres of life such as politically, economically, socially etc. Every culture has its pros and cons and cultural studies covers all the angles in this known fact without any form of bias.
Opinion A, a simple majority (50%+1) of both chambers
the Belmont report summarizes 3 principles for studies involving human subjects, these are; respect for persons, beneficience and justice.
the principle of justice demands that when studying a particular group it must have been assertained that the problem in prevalent in that ethnic group and that reasonable, non-exploitative, and well-considered procedures are administered fairly