And how could you be such and evil person to me this is crazy absolutely crazy and it’s not worth
The war was not worth fighting.
First of all, the American military was ill-prepared for the war because it did not know well what strategy the Vietcong would use against the American soldiers, as they did not expected the war to become almost a guerrilla warfare.
Secondly, the American military and government ignored Vietnam's geography, economy, society and history, and this made it difficult to understand the context, and garner support from the Vietnamese people.
Third, the war was held in a far away country that did not pose any direct threat to American citizens
Finally, the war caused heavy casualties to both sides, including Vietnamese civilians, that did not lead to a victory, since the American military technically lost the war as it had to retreat.
Texas is part of their native grounds before we kicked them out of their own country, we preserve there culture out of respect and to avoid culture appropriation conflicts in the future
One way in which the federal government could have made the Dawes Act more successful was "<span>c. by providing larger land parcels so the Native Americans could grow more crops," since otherwise the Natives had no way of carrying out their crop-based economies. </span>
The Cold War shaped American foreign policy and political ideology, impacted the domestic economy and the presidency, and affected the personal lives of Americans creating a climate of expected conformity and normalcy. ... The Cold War was to last almost to the fall of the Iron Curtain and the death of the Soviet Union.