Binary large objects(BLOb):this data type is also called a binary object, and its fields are called binary fields.
Python Code
total = 0.0
change = 0.0
itemone = float(input("Enter the first price: "))
itemtwo = float(input("Enter the second price: "))
itemthree = float(input("Enter the third price: "))
total = itemone + itemtwo + itemthree
print("Total:", total)
cash = float(input("Cash given: "))
change = total - cash
print("Your change:", change)
Answer: Borders are rules you can add to any or all of the four sides of a paragraph. Shading is the color or artistic design you use as background for a paragraph. Borders and shading are formatting tools for enhancing text, paragraphs, table cells or frames.
You literally don’t do anything you’re just like dead of sun