Silicon is the conductive material used in making Computer Chips. Krypton only exists in the DC Universe, Granite is a rock and Boron is used for rocket thruster ignitors and other pyrotechnic things.
Downcasting is a way of determining whether a given object is of a particular subclass type. In object-oriented programming downcasting is used to cast an object to a subtype. Even though sometimes it throws a compile-time error in Java, downcasting can be done on languages like Java, C++, C#. The opposite of downcasting is upcasting, which is simply the casting of an object to supertype or parent type.
Simple, really. No hacks required. Just study and you'll do fine.
Answer: B
WHATS GOOD DAVE STRIDER? WHATS UP MAN I - i man put the bunny back in the box what pumpkin apple juice?
ok so application software performs specific tasks for an end user and utility software just runs routine maintenance on your computer to ensure it runs smoothly. in this sense, the answer is B because if your computer crashed then you have no backup. things do not run smoothly obviously.
think of utility software as things such as antivirus, compression tools, defragmenter, and the other boring stuff that is meant for your computer to run smoothly