Jacksonville ranked 48 out of the top 100 most populous cities from 2007 to 2016, according to the most recent reports from the National Human Trafficking Center.
Answer:Spanish and Indigenous religions
C) the representativeness heuristic.
Representativeness heuristic: In psychology, the term representativeness heuristic is referred to as the phenomenon which involves categorizing or organizing different objects based on the object's similarity assessment and within the category prototype, for example, cause and effects complement each other. The representativeness heuristic involves an easy computation and therefore referred to as a mental shortcut.
In the question above, the given statement represents the powerful influence of the representativeness heuristic.
The answer is experience-dependent. The question was based on the language used at home which served as the foundation for the children's languages. Ramon learned both English and Spanish because it was both used in their home. Eric only learned English since it was the only language used at home. The children displayed their dependency on learning based on their experiences with communication to their families.
The correct answer is the IRS Data Retrieval Tool.
The IRS Retrieval Tool allows students as well as parents who have filed a US tax return with the Internal Revenue Service to use the IRS tax return so that they can complete free application.If the person is eligible to use IRS Data Retrieval Tool they can get certain benefits that is it is one of the easiest way to provide the tax return information. The student will not need to provide a copy of his or his parents tax return to the college.It is one of the best way to ensure that FASA has accurate tax information.