Option b"outputData.out");
In C++, there are several classes given to handle output and input of characters to or from files. They are:
- ofstream that write on files
- ifstream that read from files
We can use an object of ofstream to hold the contents that we wish to output to an external file. The general syntax is as follows:
This will create a file with a specific file name and it possesses all the contents from the obstream_obj.
the process of displaying the information from the table is called query
<h2>hey friend </h2><h2>your answer is here </h2><h2>I hope it will be helpful you </h2><h2>please mark as brainiest answer </h2><h2>thank you </h2>
In the implementation of queue by using linked chain the performance of the enqueue operation is O(1).We have to maintain two pointers one head and the other tailand for enqueue operation we have to insert element to the next of the tail and then make that element tail.Which takes O(1) time.
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section
To save a file in word, you can select File, Save (save as), select the location, type the file name, and select save.
If you want to save the file in word using shortcut. Then, for saving the file, you need to press Ctrl+S. If you want to save the file as (Save as), then you need to press F12.