Hay una idea sobre la religión que puede incomodar tanto a ateos como a creyentes. Su universalidad hace pensar que está inscrita en el cerebro humano gracias a la selección natural, porque cumple alguna función que ayudó a los creyentes a sobrevivir. Los humanos habríamos evolucionado para crecer con el germen de la fe en algún tipo de dios o dioses, del mismo modo que, según planteó Noam Chomsky hace décadas, los niños vienen al mundo con estructuras neuronales que les permiten aprender el idioma de sus padres. Después, el entorno es el que determina el lenguaje o la religión particular que se aprende.
If you are experiencing any drug effect, don't drive.
Pretext stop
In Whren v. United States (1996), the Supreme Court affirmed that officers could stop vehicles to allay any suspicions even though they have no evidence of criminal behavior. This type of stop is referred to as a pretext stop, a pretext stop involves a police officer stopping a driver for a traffic violation, minor or otherwise, to allow the officer to then investigate a separate and unrelated suspected criminal offense. According to Whren v. United States (1996), the Supreme Court affirmed that officers could stop vehicles to allay any suspicions even though they have no evidence of criminal behavior that is police officers can stop any vehicle to put at rest any suspicions even though the driver has not committed any crime.
confounding variable.
Confounding variables (a.k.a. confounders or confounding factors) are a type of extraneous variable that are related to a study’s independent and dependent variables.
im so sorry if im wrong