Groups and individuals involved in ballot measure campaigns in Texas must adhere to the state's campaign finance laws. These laws regulate the amounts and sources of money given or received for political purposes; in addition, campaign finance laws stipulate disclosure requirements for political contributions and expenditures.
E. govern interstate commerce.
- The constitution allows the states to degrade the powers to the states as he bill of rights and the creation of the new states for the existing states and to governs the interstate commerce and purchase and exchange of the commodity and navigation between the different states that are regulated by the federal governments.
Agregue "does" al comienzo de la oración si el verbo es tiempo presente. Verifica si el tema de tu oración es singular. Luego, asegúrese de que el verbo esté en tiempo presente. Si ambas cosas son ciertas, agregue la palabra "does" al comienzo de la oración para convertirla en una pregunta.
The sleeping speaker is compared to a stone on the riverbed; both lie still. The image of being in water is reinforced by these words elsewhere in the poem: "floated"; "rose and fell, as if in water."