Independent variables are the variables that affect the dependent variables
Dependent variables are what is being affected and measured
Say someone was doing a study about how sleep affects productivity
Independent example: how little sleep or how much sleep the participants get
Dependent example: productivity of participants
The development of the knowledge of the priests as one who was uniquely empowered and ordained by God to offer sacrifices for the people on the analogy of the Old testament priesthood increasingly tended to demoted the role of laity in Christian worship and ministry. These tendencies were strengthened by the development of the doctrine of transubstantiation beginning in the ninth century and concluding in its official promulgation at the fourth Lateran council in 1215. The fourth Lateran council promoted the doctrine of transubstantiation which raised to that moment in the alteration of substance by which the bread and wine offered in the sacrifice of the sacrament of the Eucharist during the course of the mass become in reality the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Nigeria gained independence from the United Kingdom on 1 October 1960. And an Executive Council, made up entirely of Nigerians, was led by a Prime Minister, Alhaji Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa