To give citizens direct input to the government
Answer: Passed by the 39 congress on March 2, 1867, it was used as the legal premise for impeaching President Andrew Johnson, whose Reconstruction policies were unpopular with the Radical Republicans in Congress. It was repealed in 1887 and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1926.
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Abraham Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address on 4 March 1865. As Lincoln prepared to speak, the Civil War was drawing to a close. Newspapers were filled with reports of the armies of William T. Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant. As late as August 1864, neither Lincoln nor his Republican Party believed he could win reelection. Now Lincoln would be the first president inaugurated for a second term in thirty-two years. The crowd of thirty to forty thousand was greeted by an ongoing rain that produced ten inches of mud in the streets of Washington. Sharpshooters were on the rooftops surrounding the ceremony. Rumors abounded that Confederates might attempt to abduct or assassinate the president
The league was established at the end of world war 1 as an international peacekeeping
There are two bases of the Indian social division into castes. The castes system has been consolidated and fed by religious practices. Ancient Hindu texts speak about four castes or profession: brahmins (priests), warriors, merchants and workers. Brahmins were at the top of society, the elite. The other source is simply social practice. There are still several groups that are seen as inferior , the "untouchables" just like the dalits; they perform the lowest and dirtiest jobs. Though castes don´t exist formally in Indian law, they exist in reality and social and racial divisions run still deep in India.