lungs and kidneys
The median plane divides the body into two halves through a mid line.
The transverse plain is also known as the axial plane and it divided the body into the upper part and a lower part.
The frontal plane is also known as the coronal plane. It divided the body into the dorsal and ventral sections. The dorsal and ventral sections are the front and back sections ( belly and back).
Lungs and kidneys are the only parts which cannot be seen through all the three plains.
use of a microscope containing improved lenses that could magnify objects almost 300-fold, or 270x. Under these microscopes, Leeuwenhoek <span>found motile objects. </span>
Pollution during the industrial revolution caused trees to become covered with soot, making them darker. This dark appearance meant that the peppered moth, which usually had a light colour, was clearly visible against the tree. This meant it was easier for predators to identify. As a result, their numbers decreased because they were an easier target.
However, there was also a rarer form of the moth, which was dark in colour. These were initially very rare. However, because of the change in the tree colour owing to the industrial revolution, these moths were better suited to the environment, as they were more camouflaged against the dark tree. This meant it was easier for them to avoid predators, and so they were more likely to survive to reproductive age and pass on the genes that produce the dark colour. This meant that the dark moths increased in number.
There are two main reasons. First, there are introns and exons existed in eukaryotes. Introns do not contain the genetic information but are in large amount in chromosome. So, if the mutation occurs in the introns, it will be recessive. Second, one amino acid will corresponding to several base sequences. For example, UUU and UUC all represent Phe. This is called degeneracy. So if the mutation did not change the amino acid, it is also recessive.