He must have a skratta du flörlar du in his album cover
You laugh, you lose
Equity Theory.
As Peter offers his manager some suggestions for a new holiday display. His manager shrugs his shoulders and tells Peter that the display is all set. Then Sarah approaches the manager with an idea for the display, and the manager tells her that it’s a great idea. Equity theory is the model of motivation that explains how Peter is striving for fairness and justice. Equity theory explains that employees should be treated equally and fairly in order to keep them motivated at the workplace. If employees started feeling that they not being treated fairly then they will dissatisfied and demotivated at the workplace which will definitely reduces their work productivity. Human beings are motivated when they are treated fairly and equally.
Jan pays $70 each month for her auto insurance policy. This regular payment is called PREMIUM.
Premium is the payment made by the insured party to the insurer. It primary pays the insurer for bearing the risk of payout in the event that the insurance agreement coverage is needed. Premium payment may be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
a. are more actively listening to customers and helping to solve their problems.
The purpose of public relations is to educate and eventually convince the public, potential clients, investors, etc, to maintain a positive impact or favorable opinion of the company.
Therefore, Public relations is the most effective way to interact with customers, listening to them, and solve their queries so that company can gain their trust by fulfilling their needs within the prescribed time.