The PERIMETER of the equator cycle is about 40,000Km. The Greenwich cycle is a bit shorter as the earth is a bit an ellipsoid. About 37,000Km by Google Maps. The distance on the envelope between ANY antipodes (=opposite points on the axis, I won't use "diameter" to avoid confusion) is HALF the perimeter (If you walk the whole perimeter long, you'd get to the same point, of course). The distance through Earth is
<span>Non-livings things do not exhibit any characteristics of life. They do not grow, respire, need energy, move, reproduce, evolve, or maintain homeostasis. </span><span>Living things are made of cells, obtain and use energy, grow and develop, reproduce, adapt and respond to their environment.</span>
<span>These three should be the most pressing problems
-illegal immigration
</span><span>-lack of skilled labor
</span><span>-aging pollution</span>
The water cycle or hydrologic cycle is the continuous movement of water between the earth's surface and the air. Water molecules move from the atmosphere (or air) to the earth's surface and back again. Water moves from the atmosphere to the earth's surface via rain, snow, sleet or hail. It moves back to the atmosphere via evaporation. The sun's energy is the catalyst for the movement of water between the atmosphere and the earth's surface.
It's not linear because if any step of the method fails, you need to return to the beginning (for example, a false hypothesis)