He said they all came from one ancestral species.
They all came from the same species but mutations due to their differing habitats changed them all slightly.
The rose family is a medium-sized family of flowering plants. The rose family (Rosaceae) is one of the major angiosperm families. The leaves are generally arranged spirally. Flowers of plants in the rose family are generally described as "showy". They are actinomorphic and almost always hermaphroditic. Rosaceae generally have five sepals, and five petals. They also have many spirally arranged stamens. The bases of the sepals, petals, and stamens are fused together to form a cup-like structure called a hypanthium. They can be arranged in racemes, spikes, or heads; solitary flowers are rare.
B temperature and precipitation
Its A. it prevents sperm from reaching the egg and fertilizing it.
Explanation: shivering action is an act to warm a homoeothermic body. Sweating makes the body cool, panting don’t keep body warm and dilating blood vessels does not keep body warm instead constriction of blood vessels is the initial process to conserve body heat followed by waves of muscle contraction, which is nothing but shivering. Alteration of the set point in torpor is also not the right answer