And THE name Harry. Such AN ordinary name! Yet THE first time Christine mentioned THE name, I felt A premonition of fear. It was A beautiful, hot day and she was playing alone in THE garden as she often did, THE sun shore on her red hair. Suddenly she looked towards THE bush of white roses, and smiled. "Yes, I'm Christine," she said. She got up and walked towards THE bush.
Answer:the first two sentences of the paragraph 5
What was the description in the article there are two possibilities hypothermia ( being cold redness) or frost bite also from being cold but with different symptoms
Answer: Students should be able to choose their own classes because it would prepare them better for the real world. Students would have more motivation to learn and come to school if they were given the opportunity to choose their own classes instead of being required to take certain classes in order to graduate
On the beach the sand felt very fine and gritty. I looked into the water, and saw a jelly fish, which was fine with me, because I didn't get stung. The next day I went to the airport to go back home and I had to pay a fine because my bag weighed too much. Then I was back home.