Advertising should always be in line with promotional and marketing objectives, and the business strategy or mission of the organization.
Explain different types of advertising; informative, persuasive and reminder oriented
KEY POINTS<span><span>Reminder advertising reinforces previous promotional activity by keeping the name of good, service, person, or cause before the public.</span><span>Marketers use persuasive advertising to increase the demand for an existing good, service, or organization.</span><span>Informative advertising is often used when launching a <span>new </span>product or for an updated or relaunched product.</span></span>
1. Therefore 2. All in All 3. However 4. In spite of 5. For example 6. Nevertheless 7. Simply because 8. In addition 9. For instance 10. For this reason 11. Further 12. Given These points 13. Along with 14. Indeed 15. That is Bonus: Morever